Bring Your Story to Life

In this day and age diary writing has probably been overtaken by blogging and vlogging and todays social media trending story ends up dividing opinion and is quickly swamped by this hours revelation, fake news item or exclusive scoop. Your story has to be worth more. Your version of events has to be worth preserving for posterity, it has to shout ‘this was me’ this is what I believed in ‘ this is why I did what I did’ ‘this is the wisdom I hope gets passed on’ .

You have to read it back and hear your own voice not that of a third party biographer. It has to have your DNA. Memry is here to help with a simple tried and trusted way to record key moments for your loved ones to relive your story and understand if not agree with your perspective. Knowing your life has been catalogued and available is in itself good to know.

So Memry offers a story writing service at a discount for members. Start writing yours today so no one misses your tale


Lost Lives, Lost Memories


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