Lost Lives, Lost Memories

The COVID19 pandemic has had a wide ranging impact across the world. Every life lost is tragic. It’s not just the immediate grief for all concerned but the longer term ramifications..

It is always difficult to say goodbye to a loved one but now the actual practical side is complicated and restricted. For those touched by loss the pain and anger can be prolonged and understandably directed at the conspiracy theorists, the anti vaccine lobby and the I’m alright Jacks.

Time is a great healer even if the scars never fully heal. The propensity to remember moments shared with the departed may always be bitter sweet but allowing the happier moments to rise to the top and allowing oneself to smile without guilt but with fondness is a blessing. Thats the value of a memory.

My position is COVID 19 is real. The extent of the threat is open to interpretation and manipulation but just on a basic level - its a virus and people can pass to others just like a cold but with deadlier consequences. I believe in freedom of choice and if someone I know chooses not to have the vaccine it is their prerogative, I respect that, but then it’s down to me to balance the risk of seeing them against the value of the relationship. Whilst the science based decisions appear strong today it’s always the case that we don’t know what we don’t know until we know it that leaves the door open for hindsight to educate posthumously.

Fittingly I wish Memry had existed pre COVID to capture the memories of all those lost, but regret as an emotion is wasteful so I’ve poured my energy into setting up Memry now to ensure people touched by illnesses such as COVID, or Alzheimers or other debilitating conditions have an easy option to bank their memories and important messages for them to be forwarded to loved ones at the right time and bring a few more smiles to their faces down the line.


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